Additional staff licenses can be added from the Client Area or Contacts Page.
In the Client Area
Go to the 'Add Users' Tab
Click the dropdown menu showing your current user count and increase it by the desired amount.
From here, you can proceed with adding the User as a Staff contact on the contacts page.
From the Contacts Page
Navigate to the Contacts tab, then cick the +Add button. From here, choose Contact.
Ensure that 'Contact Type' selected is Staff (the Dark Gray user icon on the far left). From here, enter the new staff members information information in the fields.
If you haven't already added a license, you will be notified that a new license is being added to your billing.
Click Finish Now to save new information.
Once staff have been added to ProWorkflow, you can send their Login Details by clicking Send Login Details on the right hand side of the page.
Still stuck? Contact us and let us know!